Latham Loft Style

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My Style Icon

Every little girl who grew up with her mom watched her get dressed in the morning. Or watched her get ready to hang out with her girlfriends for some much needed me time. For me, my mother was my first style icon. Who’s with me? As a little girl, I watched every move my mom made. How she did her hair. How she cared for her skin. How she entered a room. And I sought to emulate that.

My style icon can be defined in three words: fearless, free-spirited, and inspirational. Here are some style essentials that this girl learned from her very first (and favorite) style icon:

Foundation garments- I started wearing girdles (and then “shape-wear”) at around the age of 16. I hated it at first. But today, I wouldn’t be caught dead without something to smooth and tame these thighs. Having a smooth and and firm front and back side are where every outfit should start. They are the first and final impression of you in any room.

Don’t be afraid to stand out- from an early age, my mom challenged us to not need to fit in. We always wore what was appropriate for our age, what we liked and not what the other “grown and fast” girls where wearing. My hairstyles where usually ones that may not have been popular in the fifth grade. But the adults that I would pass in the street would be green with envy. Looking back, i am proud of her bravery to go against the grain. And that instilled in me a desire to stand out in a crowd.

Get rid of it- if its faded, stained, doesn’t fit, in disrepair in the smallest way- stop wearing it. Get it fixed or get rid of it. You need to wear your clothes with the confidence that no matter how you sit, bend, or turn, there is nothing to hide. As long as you keep it, you’ll never replace it. As long as you keep it, you’ll keep wearing it. There is nothing wrong with having space in your closet until you can afford to fill it with quality garments that fit well, are in excellent condition, and exude your personal style.

These are just some of things that I have learned over the years of watching. What have you learned from your style icon?

Need help figuring out who your style icon is today? Leave a comment on this blog or send me a message. It would be my pleasure to work with you!!