Latham Loft Style

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How you dress does matter

Over my career I have learned that the effort I put into how I presented myself to the world was equally matched by how the world responded to me. At work, I was taken more seriously, had the attention of key stakeholders, and was offered some pretty cool opportunities. I was given these opportunities in large part because of my talent. But also because of how I chose to present my self each day. Outside of work, I was able to gain a reputation of someone people could trust to know what to wear and when. How I dressed was just as important as the talent I bought to the boardroom. I believe it made a huge difference in my career.

On the other side of that same coin, some can say, “Just because you wear a black turtleneck , blue jeans, and sneakers doesn’t make you Steve Jobs.”

Regardless of what you believe, the truth is, people notice how you dress both consciously and subconsciously. And until they get to judge your behavior (and who knows how long that will take), people will inevitably trust their initial impressions. People notice, comment and make judgments. They have preconceived notions about people who dress a certain way. That is a fact. So here are some tips to get through the hard parts:

  1. Be authentic- when you aren’t comfortable, it shows. Pajamas aren’t authentic but stilettos don’t necessarily have to be either. The clothes that you choose should match your personality, lifestyle, and age.

  2. Consider your audience- if you have clients that day, you may want to spiff it up a bit. Find out what the attire is for the event or meeting and adhere to it. You don’t want to be a distraction. And you don’t want to create a poor impression.

  3. Be realistic- unless you work in the fashion industry, you don’t need to look like you just stepped off of a runway. There is a way to look put very put together and not like you are trying too hard.

  4. Be open to feedback- hopefully you will have a leader or people in your life that will offer you constructive feedback on their impression of your “body of work”. Don’t take offense. Take it. Apply it. Grow from it.

  5. Hire Latham Loft Style- my styling services are designed to bridge the gap between the amazing, prepared, capable, strong person that you are on the inside and the person that shows up to life everyday.

When you enter a room for an interview, meeting, presentation, conference, deposition, pitch, etc… what people see speaks before you make your first talking point. And it stays in the room long after you have left. Latham Loft Style sees the connection between your goals and you signature style. We can help you discover your signature style. And then develop that signature style to help you meet your goals.