Latham Loft Style

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Do you need a personal stylist?

When you hear the term Personal Stylist or Fashion Stylist what do you think?  Celebrities?  Rich and famous?  Well, you are partially correct.  Most rich and famous people do have someone styling their clothes for the events you see on TV and social media.  But guess what!  Everyday people need them too.  That means YOU!!!

How do you know if you need a personal stylist?  I have outlined the problems that people who need a stylist have.  But don’t worry, I have the solution too.

Problem #1: Closet full of clothes and nothing to wear.

All of your hangars are full.  But getting dressed is a struggle.  You dread the part of your morning routine where you have to actually put the clothes on.  You wear the same thing week after week.  There are clothes in your closet that you never wear.

Why? Your clothes don’t match your lifestyle or personality. You may have recently been promoted, had a baby, changed industries, moved to a new climate.  You have a vision in your mind of your personal style but you can’t seem to execute it. You don’t know what your personal style is so you just buy anything that fits.  So your closet is a mish- mash of different personalities and nothing goes together.  

Fix #1: Buying more clothes won’t help your fashion crisis.

Learning what works for your lifestyle, budget and body type is what solves your fashion crisis.  You may simply missing the pieces that would bring it all together.  You need to discover your your style so that you know what to pick up and what to leave back.   You need to learn how to use what you have.  You need to get rid of what is not functional so you can see what you have. You need to take inventory of what is important to you: career goals, lifestyle goals, family goals and then decide what that actually looks like in real life.  And how how you look impacts those goals. Your Personal Stylist will teach you what you need to know and show you where to get it.

Problem #2: Hate shopping but want to look good.

Rarely purchase clothing for you or your family?  Let others buy your clothes.? You have been wearing the same items for years regardless of the season?  Use personal shopping services but they can’t seem to get it right for you?  Have fashion goals but need help on how to achieve them?

Why? You think it’s hard.  You don’t know what colors look good together.  Don’t know how to mix patterns and prints.  You don’t know what fabrics are for what season.  You hate crowds.  You don’t have time to research the best deals.  You don’t know what works for your body type.

Fix #2: Find your body type

Your Personal Stylist can show you what shapes and clothing types work best for that body type.  They care to get to know you and do it for you. 

Problem #3: Lack the confidence that it takes to reach your goals.

You avoid certain activities because you don’t have the right clothes.  You get overwhelmed at the thought of going to a special occasion. Every time you try to put something together you can’t seem to execute it just right.  

Why? You haven’t made the connection between how the world perceives you and the effort you put into your “look”.  You don’t know that there is a direct correlation between the work you put into how you present yourself to the world, and the opportunities that you are presented with. 

Fix #3: Dress for what you want and not what you have

When people recognize the effort you put into your appearance,  they start to respond to it.  Consequently, your confidence grows.   Your outward appearance should be there before your mind gets there.  I always say “dress for the job you want; not the one you have”.  Your Personal Stylist will be able to peek into your future and show you how you can impact it now.

Problem #4: You think fashion is unimportant and superficial.

You have no idea what to wear and when.  You’re just happy if the clothes are clean.  You aren’t interested in who makes the best whatever.   You don’t think the way you look has anything to do with success, achievement, opportunities, or career growth.  

Why?  You aren’t in control of how you present yourself to the world.  You don’t realize that the vehicle you use to deliver your talent to the world is your body.  And your body doesn’t need to be decked out in designer name brands.  But it does need to match the level of talent that you been blessed with. 

Fix #4: Understand that the power of beauty/fashion is transformational.

But it will only work on the outside when the inside matches. Fashion represents freedom of thought and self expression.  It goes far beyond what meets the eye (antithesis of superficial).  The impact that it has on ones confidence and self image is immeasurable.  You Personal Stylist will help you remain authentic and true to yourself while exposing you to parts of your personality that you didn’t know where there.

If you can see yourself in any of these problems, a Personal Stylist is the thing that is missing in your life.   Get an expert that can help you reach your goals, help you change your mind, and help open some doors that never knew where there!

Happy Dressing!!