Latham Loft Style

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Making your clothes last...

Don’t you just hate it when you order something online, wait a week to get it, wear it one time, wash it and it doesn’t look like it did in the picture anymore?  You just spent your hard earned money on it and now you don’t even want it anymore.  But you don’t want to waste your money so you keep wearing it.  Stop!  If it doesn’t make you feel confident and sexy, don’t you dare wear it again.

But in order to make your favorite pieces stand the test of time, you must take care of them.  I am going to tell you how I make my clothes last  Ready?  Set. Go!

 Besides ensuring that you are using quality detergent, following the instructions on clothing labels, and rarely (like never) outing your clothes in the drier....the main key is to not wear your clothes all year long.  Change your closet over when the seasons change (at least twice a year).  This does a couple of things: gives your clothes a break, makes you feel like you have new clothes.  

I do this twice a year.  I also use this as an opportunity to give away clothes and assess my wardrobe for ill-fitting, out of style, or clothes that just don’t suit my lifestyle anymore.  Changing over your closet can Be fun if you have a play list or a binge worthy show on Netflix.  It’s defintely Saturday afternoon behavior.  

Step 1️⃣: take the old clothes down, fold them and prepare them to be packed away

Step 2️⃣: While you’re touching those old clothes, decide what you’re going to keep and what you re going to get rid of.

Step 3️⃣: unpack the new clothes, check for fit, cleanliness, and style

Step 4️⃣: hang all of the new clothes you have decided to keep

Step 5️⃣: arrange clothes by style and color

Step 6️⃣: pack old clothes in large totes- ensure they are arranged by clothing type just in case you have to find something later

Finishing touches: hangers facing the same way, one finger apart, all shoes in boxes/containers and arranged by type

Latham Loft Style Tip: pack some “smell good” away with your old clothes for a little surprise next fall.

Finally, find someone who can use your old clothes.  Now there is a difference between what you don’t wear anymore and what you are going to throw away.  I happen to volunteer with a couple of organizations that dress women and there is always a desperate need for plus size clothes.  Usually the plus size women  have to wear men’s clothes or sports wear because there are no clothes to fit them.  I make it my business to ensure my clothes go where they are needed the most.  But I’m also careful not to give them clothes I wouldn’t wear myself.  They deserve the pride and confidence that comes from wearing nice clothes.  

Finding a way to make your clothes last can also turn into a way to improve someone else’s life.  After all, what have you got lose but some old clothes.


Happpy Dressing!!!