Latham Loft Style

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How Can I Change My Fashion Situation?

Changing your style is just the tip of the iceberg.  But can you imagine how differently you would show up to life if you knew there was an opportunity right on the other side of that outfit?

What a change of appearance does for the INSIDE simply can’t be captured in a photograph.  It can only be captured in how high you hold your head, how you stand up straight, and how much better you speak when you feel good about yourself.  I love to help women tap into the magic that is created when they connect their everyday lives with the opportunities that are waiting just on the other side.  When you show up for life perfectly outfitted, you are able to fully realize your capabilities.

You don’t just magically start looking incredible.  The effortless style that you can achieve comes from the insight that someone other than yourself can offer.

The biggest challenge with changing your style situation is your inability to “find something to wear”.  Let’s talk about it...

Many women are challenged everyday with what to wear.  Not just to work, but to date night, job interviews, formal events, parties, grand openings, etc. 


Reason #1-There is myth that if you can’t find something to wear, you must need more clothes. 

Reason #2- Our closets are filled with clothes that don’t work for our current lifestyle, body type, or maturity level.

Reason #3- We shop on a whim, no plan, no direction, and with no idea of what we REALLY need to make our existing wardrobe more valuable.

The fix:

Get an expert!  As a Personal Stylist I am your Champion.  My job is not to control but to empower.  I can be relied upon for guidance, encouragement, education, and resources. 

I answer clients questions, evaluate their current wardrobes, help them shop, shop for them, show them what to purchase, or purchase items on their behalf. The list goes on and on.  

A good Personal Stylist is going to show you the items you need to have in your closet based upon your current lifestyle and goals. 

He or she keeps track of trends, sales, promotions, services, and styles that will compliment you. 

A good Personal Stylist will not tell you  to purchase a new wardrobe without getting rid of what you currently have that isn’t working and getting to know you.

They’ll give you an experience regardless of the service you have selected. 

Having a Personal Stylist is a treat.  But it’s one you owe yourself.  What do you have to lose, except being noticed and taken seriously?

Happy Dressing!!!