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Quality vs. Quantity

You can usually rely on me to provide information from a Curvy and Mature perspective. But today i want to speak more generally as this topic crosses all fashion “demographics”. We are in a fast and cheap era. And the burden of making our dollars stretch further and last longer is bigger than ever. One of the best ways to make your dollar stretch is to take care of what you have. I would bundle my advise into three major themes : Quality, Care, and Maintenance. So let’s chat about how important Quality fabrics and manufacturing is..

I know that avoiding cheap fashion is easier said than done. But in the long run, cheap clothes are too expensive. Good news: You don’t have to be a clothing expert to judge whether your next clothing purchase is of good quality or not. Here are a few tips:

Buy durable and natural fabrics. While synthetic fabrics like polyester, acrylic, spandex, and rayon do are filling up our closets, they are made from plastics and chemicals. Admittedly, technology has come a long way in improving how they look and feel by blending them with natural fabrics, the blended (or fully synthetic) fabrics don’t improve with repeating washing and more importantly drying.

DID YOU KNOW? Blended fabrics (garments with both natural and synthetic fabrics) shrink at different rates. And that can change the shape of the garment.

Look for high quality clothes made from plants and animals: cotton, wool, linen, or silk. Keep in mind that every garment labeled 100% cotton is not necessarily high quality. So it is important to pay attention to how the fabric looks and feels. Does it feel brittle or rough? Or does it feel smooth and substantial? Let your hands be your guide. Or better yet, let your closet be your guide. What items in your closet have held up the best for you? Given your personal rotation of clothes and laundry habits, which ones have aged well? Hold it up to the light and stretch it. The more tightly gathered the individual fibers are, the better. If its a sweater, try stretching a small part of it. Does it bounce back to its original shape. If not, it certainly won’t after you wash it.

DID YOU KNOW? Manufacturers add chemicals or starches to clothes to make them feel more substantial and look better on a hanger. That “look” disappears as soon as you wash it.

Check out how the garment is put together on the inside and out. Where are the seams? are they straight and neat? Are they reinforced? Is the stitching lying flat on the fabric? Poor stitching will not be able to withstand your normal movements or laundering. These issues may not always be easy to spot. But they are certainly signs of steps being skipped. Button holes should be sturdy with no fraying threads.

WARNING SIGNS: stitches that are stitched over multiple time, spots where the stitching appears to be loose, fabric is bubbled in the stitch (check inside and outside of garment)

Pay attention to how the fabric is cut. The fabric of a garment should be cut either straight along the grain or on a clear angle. This allows the fabric to stretch with wear. If it isn’t properly cut, the garment can pull out of shape and look cheap and ill fitting.

The fact is that good quality clothes will cost you more money. You’re going to have to pay to look good. BUT…a high price tag doesn’t necessarily mean good quality. Cheap clothes are cheap for a couple of reasons: fabric and labor. To get the price down and sell more, manufactures cut corners on one or both of those.

BOTTOM LINE: Even a poorly made garment can stand the test of time if you only wear it a couple of times. But you wont get anywhere near the value for the money you paid for it. Before making a purchase, ask yourself a couple of questions: How much do I really like it? How often will i wear it? Then take some time to really look at and feel the fabric.

Being intentional about your purchases is going something that can be applied to every aspect of your life. After all, what do you have to lose besides your hard earned money (insert sarcasm here).

Happy Shopping!!!